Patrol SMG


  • The Spy- The Spy is always restricted to barrel3, stock3 and stock2. A variant of The Spy can be found in The Zombie Island of Dr. Ned, in the form of Dr. Ned's personal gun. This gun has the same material as The Spy and can also spawn with the unique spy scope. However the gun has no original name so it's easy to miss as a 'unique weapon'. If opened in Willowtree the following itemgrade will be shown: dlc1_gd_customweapons.Weapons.CustomWeap_SMG_NedsGun. For more info like this: The Spy on Wikia
TheSpy_sight4 sight4
Zoom End FOV: -200% Zoom End FOV: -200%
Critical Damage: +35% -
  • Bone Shredder (smg)- The Bone Shredder's only actual special effect is +4 rounds in the magazine. All of its other traits comes from its selection of predefined parts: It will always have a quality scope, and have the double accessory. It is made of the predefined parts sight2, barrel3 and acc4_double. The only non-predefined parts are the stock and body. All of its parts make for an above average gun. It can also spawn with the Savior body. For more info: Wikia: Bone Shredder Thread
  • Typhoon- Bullets ricochet, and after a given period of time break up into 2 more bullets in an outward zig-zag pattern. Given no obstacles, the original bullet will maintain its straight path while the two broken off bullets will travel in a zig-zag pattern. Each of the 3 segmentations of a bullet will do as much damage as a whole, unsegmented bullet. An unseparated bullet will do only 1/3 the damage it could if it had been split. This makes this SMG not as efficient in close combat as others. Bullets will split after a set time, not a set distance, meaning that Lilith's High Velocity skill affects the efficacy of the splitting bullets. More High Velocity points means faster bullets means a further distance before bullet splits. Bullets can only ricochet off of one surface before being absorbed into a new surface. If the original bullet ricocheted before the two bullets separated, those two bullets may independently ricochet again. For more info: Wikia: Typhoon
  • The red flavor text you find on "Unique" and "Legendary" weapons are in the titles, and have no other unforeseen affects on the weapon's performance other than say rarity or flair.
Patrol SMG Type Extra Effect
gd_weap_patrol_smg.A_Weapon.WeaponType_patrol_smg ?
gd_customweapons.Retail_Weapons.CustomWeap_SMG_TheSpy ?
Format for Patrol SMG Parts
gd_weap_patrol_smg.[Part Name]
Possible Manufacturers Damage: Q0 (LVL) Damage: Q1 (LVL) Damage: Q2 (LVL) Damage: Q3 (LVL) Damage: Q4 (LVL)
gd_manufacturers.Manufacturers.Tediore 9 (1) 28 (13) 46 (22) 67 (31) 89 (40)
gd_manufacturers.Manufacturers.Hyperion 16 (6) 32 (15) 50 (24) 71 (33) 94 (42)
gd_manufacturers.Manufacturers.Maliwan 17 (7) 32 (15) 53 (25) 74 (34) 96 (43)
gd_manufacturers.Manufacturers.Dahl 13 (4) 34 (16) 53 (25) 74 (34) 96 (43)
gd_manufacturers.Manufacturers.Torgue 22 (10) 40(19) 60 (28) 81 (37) 107 (47)

Accuracy of (83.3) and a Fire Rate of (8.3) were all the same on all manufacturers with Q0 codes.

Part Name Damage Mod Accuracy Mod Fire Rate Mod Tech Level Mod Recoil Reduction Extra Effect/Notes
acc.acc1_Relentless - - 20% - - "Relentless"/slightly increased fire rate.
acc.acc2_Ruthless - - - - 45% 53% reload speed. "Ruthless"/reduced recoil and faster reload speed.
acc.acc2_Vector - - 45% - 200% 53% reload speed. "Vector"/ increased fire rate, faster reload speed and greatly reduced recoil.
acc.acc3_Corrosive -40% - - 6 - "Corrosive"
acc.acc3_Shock -40% - - 6 - "Shock"
acc.acc4_Double -18% -75% - - - Add 20% clip size. Add 1 projectiles per shot, increases the magazine and causes the gun to fire 2 rounds at once.
acc.acc5_Explosive -20% - - 6 - "Explosive"
acc.acc5_Incendiary -40% - - 6 - "Incendiary"
acc.acc5_Maliwan_HellFire - - - 14 - "Incendiary"/High incendiary damage, always procs, larger procs can cause nearby enemies to catch fire also.
acc.acc_none - - - - - -
Barrel.barrel1 -4% - - - - has the lowest damage and low accuracy.
Barrel.barrel2 15% -28% - - -20% has high damage and the lowest accuracy.
Barrel.barrel2_Torgue_Gasher 50% -50% 50% 1 -50% Add 4 rounds. 300% burst fire count.
Barrel.barrel3 10% 50% - 1 - has average damage, high accuracy and a slight tech boost.
Barrel.barrel3_Twisted 10% 50% - 4 - Spiral pattern/ricochets [non-elemental]
Barrel.barrel4 30% 30% - - -35% has the highest damage and average accuracy.
Barrel.barrel5 15% 130% - - 50% has high damage and the best accuracy.
Barrel.barrel5_Hyperion_Bitch 15% 130% - 6 50% +50% critical dmg [glitched]/ High amount of tech, makes elemental versions more powerful
Body.body1 -8% - - - - "TD"/ slightly decreases damage.
Body.body2 10% - -20% - -30% "KKA"/slightly increases damage, sightly decreases fire rate, and adds recoil.
Body.body3 -15% - 30% 3 30% "TEK"/ slightly decreases damage, increases fire rate, reduces recoil, and adds alot of tech.
Body.body3_Tediore_Savior 25% - 30% 4 30% Ammo regen rate 30%. "SV"/ increases damage, increases fire rate, reduces recoil, adds a huge amount of tech, and adds ammo regen.
Body.body4 20% - -30% 1 -50% "RF"/increases damage, reduces fire rate, adds alot of recoil, and adds a litte tech.
Body.body5 20% - 50% 1 20% "HX"/[Preferred] increases damage, greatly increases fire rate, reduces recoil, and adds a little tech.
Grip.grip1 - - - - - "Tediore"
Grip.grip2 - - - - - "Dahl"
Grip.grip3 - - - - - "Maliwan"
Grip.grip4 - - - - - "Torque"
Grip.grip4_gearbox - - - - - "Gearbox"
Grip.grip5 - - - - - "Hyperion"
mag.mag1_thumper 70% - -200% - - Add -10 rounds. 25% reload speed, [Thumper] reduces the clip size, greatly reduces the fire rate, greatly increases damage and has a faster reload speed. This is very similar to the AR's [Pounder magazine].
mag.mag2 - - - - - 15% reload speed, slightly faster reload speed.
mag.mag3 - - - 2 - Add 8 rounds. 20% reload speed, increased clip size, the fastest reload speed and increased tech.
mag.mag4 - - - - - Add 27 rounds. -60% reload speed, has the largest clip size and slowest reload speed.
mag.mag4_Dahl_Wildcat - -200% - 4 - +42 rounds. -65% reload speed/ Large magazine, low accuracy, reduced reload speed and large amount of tech.
mag.mag5 - - - 1 - +18 rounds. -40% reload speed, has a large clip size, a slow reload speed and a slight tech increase.
Prefix.Prefix_Acc1_Relentless - - - - - "Relentless"
Prefix.Prefix_Acc2_Ruthless - - - - - "Ruthless"
Prefix.Prefix_Barrel3_Twisted 50% - - - - +50% clip size. "Twisted"
Prefix.Prefix_Basic1_Patrol - - - - - "Patrol"
Prefix.Prefix_Quality1_Violent 6% - - 1 - "Violent"
Prefix.Prefix_Quality2_Hostile 9% - - 1 - "Hostile"
Prefix.Prefix_Quality3_Malevolent 12% - - 1 - "Malevolent"
Sight.sight1 - 15% - - - 1.7x zoom
Sight.sight2 - 20% - - - 2.4x zoom
Sight.sight3 - 30% - - - 2.9x zoom
Sight.sight4 - 50% - - - 3.9x zoom
Sight.sight5 - 70% - - - 4.3x zoom
Sight.sight_none - - - - - -
Stock.stock1 - - - - - gives no stat bonuses.
Stock.stock2 - - - - 40% -30% reload speed, reduced recoil and slower reload speed.
Stock.stock3 - - - 1 30% reduced recoil and adds tech.
Stock.stock4 - - - - 80% -20% reload speed, greatly reduced recoil and slightly slower reload speed.
Stock.stock5 - - - 1 100% gives the largest recoil reduction and adds tech.
Stock.stock_none - - - - -40% 30% reload speed, increased recoil and faster reload speed.
Title.TitleM_Dahl1_Wildcat - - - 3 - "Wildcat" "The ultimate close quarters feline."
Title.TitleM_Hyperion1_Bitch - - - - - "Bitch" "Smack 'em."
Title.TitleM_Maliwan1_HellFire - - - - - "HellFire" "We don't need no water…"
Title.TitleM_Tediore1_Savior - - - - - "Savior" "Hallelujah"
Title.TitleM_Torgue1_Gasher - - - - - "Gasher" "Tear it up"
Title.TitleU_Bonehead_BoneShredder - - - - - "Bone Shredder" "The lead wind blows"
Title.TitleU_Retail_TheSpy - - - - - "The Spy" "I spy with my little eye…"
Title.TitleU_SMG_Typhoon - - - - - "Typhoon" "Phooon!"
Title.Title_Acc2_Vector - - - - - "Vector"
Title.Title_Damage1_Bruiser 15% - - - - "Bruiser"
Title.Title_Firerate1_Stinger - - - - 15% Add 3 rounds. "Stinger"
Title.Title_LowAccuracy1_Anarchy - -200% - - - Add 30% clip size. Add 2 projectiles per shot. "Anarchy"
Title.Title_Mag1_Thumper - - - - - "Thumper"
Title.Title__SMG - - - - - "SMG"
UniqueParts.BoneShredder_mag5 - - - 1 - Equivalent (almost) to the standard [mag5] [The Bone Shredder effect comes from this]/ +4 more rounds [22 total]/ -40% reload speed.
UniqueParts.BoneShredder_Material -14% -25% - - - A bug in the part generation system though makes the Bone Shredder spawn with [TitleU_Bonehead_BoneShredder] as its material, giving no modifier/ 100% reload speed. "-A"
UniqueParts.TheSpy_Material - -20% - - 20% Hyperion-manufactured material TheSpy_Material, but it is actually the same as Material_Dahl_1
UniqueParts.TheSpy_sight4 - 50% - - - Grants a bonus to critical damage in addition to the zoom of the standard [sight4]+35% critical damage.
UniqueParts.SMG.acc2_Typhoon - - 45% - 200% Resembles the twisted effect of the barrel3_Twisted barrel. Exactly the same as acc2_vector: High Fire Rate and low Recoil/ 53% reload speed.
UniqueParts.SMG.DahlTyphoon_Material 5% -15% - - 40% Same as Material_Dahl_2/ 24% reload speed. " U"

SMG/Parts Guide:

  • Submachine Gun parts are very simple, as any combination of parts may spawn together to make a particular submachine gun.
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