Repeater Pistol


  • The Dove (repeater)- The Dove is an average repeater pistol with the ability to not consume ammo. Furthermore, it comes with predefined basic parts (body, mag, no sight, action) with the only variable part being the accessory. It also can spawn with the Hornet accessory. For more info: Wikia: The Dove Thread
  • The Dove title doesn't provide any affects on the weapons performance, it just adds the red flavor text; thus, the barrel provides all the bonuses attributed to The Dove. The TheDove_barrel4 raw text:

gd_weap_repeater_pistol.UniqueParts.TheDove_barrel4 [Full text needed for WillowTree]

TheDove_barrel4 barrel4
Accuracy Maximum: -10% Accuracy Maximum: -10%
Accuracy Minimum: -40% Accuracy Minimum: -40%
Recoil: +10% Recoil: +35%
Spread: -30% Spread: -30%
Tech Level: +1 Tech Level: +1
Shot Cost: -1 -
- Damage: +30%
  • The Lady Finger- is a swatter type repeater pistol with a powerful critical damage bonus. It often has great all-round stats, being of Hyperion Manufacture. It always spawns with a TK body and action2, and will always have a quality sight or a scope. It can spawn with any accessory. For more info: Wikia Thread: Lady Finger
LadyFinger_barrel1 barrel1
Accuracy Minimum: -20% -
Damage: +15% Damage: -4%
Spread: -20% -
Critical Damage: +100% -
  • Chiquito Amigo (repeater)- It can spawn with the Protector body. The Chiquito Amigo effect comes from the barrel0_ChiquitoAmigo barrel. It greatly improves rate of fire, magazine size, and recoil handling. However, it suffers a slight damage penalty compared to the normal barrel0. The unique Chiquito Amigo material Material_ChiquitoAmigo_3 is equivalent to Tediore Material_Tediore_3. More info: Wikia Chiquito Amigo Thread
barrel0_ChiquitoAmigo barrel0
Accuracy Maximum: -50% Accuracy Maximum: -50%
Accuracy Minimum: -12% Accuracy Minimum: +12%
Damage: -25% Damage: -13%
Fire Rate: +100% -
Clip Size: +250% -
Recoil: -200% Recoil: -12%
Tech Level: +4 -
- Spread: +20%
  • Krom's Sidearm- It always spawns with sight3, i.e. a high-magnification set of iron sights, mag2, which gives increased ammo capacity, and action4; however, the body may vary, allowing for different rates of fire and recoil handling. More info: Wikia: Krom's Sidearm
  • The Atlas Troll title, and accessory must be used together to get either of the effects.
  • The Torgue Violator title doesn't provide any of the effects, just the red flavor text. The barrel provides all the bonuses.
  • Athena's Wisdom- is a swatter-type repeater pistol with greater accuracy and a hidden critical damage bonus. It also always comes with some type of modifier accessory. For more info check out: Wikia: Athena's Wisdom
barrel5_AthenasWisdom barrel5
Accuracy Maximum: -100% Accuracy Maximum: -40%
Accuracy Minimum: -300% Accuracy Minimum: -150%
Damage: +20% Damage: +15%
Recoil: -50% Recoil: -50%
Spread: -200% Spread: -130%
Critical Damage: +120% -
Repeater Pistol Type Extra Effect
gd_weap_repeater_pistol.A_Weapon.WeaponType_repeater_pistol ?
Format for Repeater Pistol Parts
gd_weap_repeater_pistol.[Part Name]
Part Name Damage Mod Accuracy Mod Fire Rate Mod Tech Level Mod Recoil Reduction Extra Effect/Notes
acc.acc1_Fanged - - - - - gives a +100% melee damage bonus.
acc.acc1_Lacerator - - - - - gives a +200% melee damage bonus.
acc.acc2_Atlas_Troll - - - - 100% "Troll"/ Very slow health regeneration.
acc.acc2_Stabilizer - - - - 100% "Stabilizer"/ Stabilizer greatly reduces recoil.
acc.acc3_LaserSight - 100% - - - "Laser sight"/ LaserSight reduces accuracy loss while firing so your shots do not spread out as much.
acc.acc4_DoubleShot -18% -75% - - - Add 20% clip size. Add 1 projectiles per shot, causes the gun to fire 2 rounds at once.
acc.acc4_SandS_Gemini - - - - - Add 60% clip size. Add 1 projectiles per shot. 200% burst fire count. "Gemini"/ Fires 2 round bursts and fires 2 bullets for each shot, so each burst fires 4 bullets.
acc.acc5_Corrosive -40% - - 6 - "Corrosive"
acc.acc5_Explosive -40% - - 6 - "Explosive"
acc.acc5_Hornet_Dahl_Corrosive 15% - 150% 10 -100% 200% burst fire count. "Hornet"/ High corrosive damage and fires in 2 round bursts.
acc.acc5_Incendiary -40% - - 6 - "Incendiary"
acc.acc5_Maliwan_Firehawk 10% 70% - 14 - "Firehawk"/ Extremely high fire damage and proc chance.
acc.acc5_Shock -40% - - 6 - "Shock"
acc.acc_none - - - - - -
acc.acc_ThisGunIsTheSuck -20% - - - - makes your gun suck ass
Action.action1 - - - - - gives no stat bonuses.
Action.action2 - - 8% - -5% gives a slight boost to the fire rate and increases recoil.
Action.action3 - - 12% 2 20% increases the fire rate, reduces recoil and adds tech.
Action.action4 11% - -9% - -45% reduces the fire rate, greatly increases recoil and greatly increases damage.
Action.action5 6% - 36% - - [preferred] greatly increases the fire rate and increases damage.
Barrel.barrel0 -13% -20% - - 12% "Stripped"/has the lowest damage and very low accuracy. [Pistols are the only weapon type with a barrel0]
Barrel.barrel1 -4% - - - - has low damage and low accuracy.
Barrel.barrel2 15% -28% - - -20% has high damage and the lowest accuracy.
Barrel.barrel3 10% 50% - 2 - has average damage, high accuracy and a tech boost.
Barrel.barrel4 30% 30% - 1 -35% has the highest damage, average accuracy and a slight tech boost.
Barrel.barrel4_Torgue_Violator -100% - 200% 2 -200% Add 2 projectiles per shot. 300% burst fire count. "Burst Violator"/ Fires 3 round bursts and fires 3 bullets for each shot, so each burst fires 9 bullets.
Barrel.barrel5 15% 130% - - 50% has high damage and the highest accuracy.
Body.body1 -8% - - - - "BLR"/ slightly decreases damage.
Body.body2 10% - -20% - -30% "RF"/slightly increases damage, slightly reduces fire rate, and adds recoil.
Body.body3 -15% - 30% 2 30% "TK"/ [Preferred Rof] slightly decreases damage, increases fire rate, reduces recoil, and adds tech.
Body.body3_Tediore_Protector 25% - 30% 3 30% Ammo regen rate 30%. "PRO"/ increases damage, increases fire rate, reduces recoil, adds alot of tech, and adds ammo regen.
Body.body4 20% - -30% - -50% "HRD"/[Preferred Dmg] increases damage, reduces fire rate, and adds alot of recoil.
Grip.grip1 - - - - - "Tediore"
Grip.grip2 - - - - - "Vladof"
Grip.grip2_Atlas - - - - - "Atlas"
Grip.grip3 - - - - - "S&S Munitions"
Grip.grip3_Gearbox - - - - - "Gearbox"
Grip.grip3_Maliwan - - - - - "Maliwan"
Grip.grip4 - - - - - "Torgue"
Grip.grip4_Dahl - - - - - "Dahl"
Grip.grip5 - - - - - "Hyperion"
mag.mag1 - - - - - 30% reload speed, slightly faster reload speed.
mag.mag2 - - - - - Add 4 rounds, increases the clip size.
mag.mag2a - - - - - Add 6 rounds. 50% reload speed, gives the largest clip and fastest reload speed.
mag.mag3 - - - - - Add 12 rounds.
mag.mag3_Vladof_Rebel 12% - 20% - - Add 22 rounds. 15% reload speed. Large magazine, increased fire rate, and higher damage.
ManufacturerMaterials.Material_Vladof_3_Rebel - -32% 56% - 40% Add 30% clip size. "/VXX"
Prefix.Prefix_Acc1_Fanged - - - - - "Fanged"
Prefix.Prefix_Acc2_Stabilized - - - - - "Stabilized"
Prefix.Prefix_Acc3_Sighted - - - - - "Sighted"
Prefix.Prefix_Nasty 12% - - 3 - Add 2 rounds. 10% reload speed. "Nasty"
Prefix.Prefix_Noble 12% - - 3 - Add 2 rounds. 10% reload speed. "Noble"
Prefix.Prefix_Quality1_Bad 6% - - 1 - "Bad"
Prefix.Prefix_Quality2_Cruel 9% - - 1 - "Cruel"
Prefix.Prefix_Quality3_Wicked 12% - - 1 - "Wicked"
Sight.sight1 - 15% - - - 1.8x zoom
Sight.sight2 - 20% - - - 2.6x zoom
Sight.sight3 - 30% - - - 3.1x zoom
Sight.sight4 - 50% - - - 4.1x zoom
Sight.sight5 - 70% - 1 - "Scope"/ 4.6x zoom and adds tech
Sight.sight5_Hyperion_Invader - 100% 250% 1 - 10,000% burst fire count. "Scope"/ Fires the entire magazine at once when zoomed with a greatly increased fire rate.
Sight.sight_none - - - - - -
Title.TitleM_Atlas1_Troll - - - - - "Troll" "Pain Heals."
Title.TitleM_Dahl1_Hornet - - - - - "Hornet" "Feel the Sting"
Title.TitleM_Hyperion1_Invader - - - - - "Invader" "12 bullets invade your skull"
Title.TitleM_Maliwan1_Firehawk - - - - - "Firehawk" "Bring the HEAT!"
Title.TitleM_SandSl1_Gemini - - - - - "Gemini" "Double Whammy."
Title.TitleM_Tediore1_Protector - - - - - "Protector" "Ammo is no longer an issue."
Title.TitleM_Torgue1_Violator - - - - - "Violator" "Your move, Creep."
Title.TitleM_Vladof1_Rebel - - - - - "Rebel" "Never stop shooting!"
Title.TitleU_Krom_KromsSidearm - - - - - "Krom's Sidearm" "a gift from Papa Krom"
Title.TitleU_LadyFinger - - - - - "Lady Finger" "Omnia vincit amor"
Title.TitleU_Retail_TheDove - - - - - "The Dove" "Sometimes, I forget to reload."
Title.TitleU_Repeater_AthenasWisdom - - - - - "Athena's Wisdom" "War is the final option"
Title.TitleU_Repeater_ChiquitoAmigo - - - - - "Chiquito Amigo" "Say "Hello""
Title.TitleU_Repeater_KnoxsGold - - - - - "Knoxx's Gold" "Bling!"
Title.Title_Acc2_Lacerator - - - - - "Lacerator"
Title.Title_Accuracy1_Swatter - - - - - "Swatter"
Title.Title_DamageLow1_Peashooter -5% - - - 200% Add 40% clip size. "Peashooter"
Title.Title_Firerate1_Needler - - - - 20% Add 2 rounds. "Needler"
Title.Title_Quality1_Raptor - - - - - "Raptor"
Title.Title__Repeater - - - - - "Repeater"
UniqueParts.KromsSidearm_barrel5 - 130% 200% 5 - Grants three-shot bursts when zoomed, and much higher tech level – useful for the mandatory shock accessory. However, it lacks the 15% damage and lower recoil bonuses granted to normal [barrel5] repeaters/ 300% burst fire count.
UniqueParts.KromsSidearm_Material 19% - 5% 1 -11% Mostly equivalent to [Material_Atlas_2], with marginally increased damage/ +15% clip size.
UniqueParts.LadyFinger_barrel1 15% 20% - - - +100% critical damage.
UniqueParts.LadyFinger_Material - 70% - 1 70% Equivalent to [Material_Hyperion_1]
UniqueParts.TheDove_barrel4 - 30% - 1 -10% This part has similar handling characteristics to those of [barrel4], but lacks the damage boost. Instead, it gives one bullet free per trigger pull.
UniqueParts.TheDove_Material - - - 1 - Only adds one tech level/ has no other effects. It's material is drastically different from any other [Material_Dahl]
UniqueParts.RepeaterPistol.barrel5_AthenasWisdom 20% 200% - - 50% Improves accuracy and handling of the gun when firing/ +120% critical damage.
UniqueParts.RepeaterPistol.AthenasWisdom_Material - 70% - 1 70% Equivalent to Hyperion Material_Hyperion_1
UniqueParts.RepeaterPistol.barrel0_ChiquitoAmigo -25% - 100% 4 200% greatly improves rate of fire, magazine size, and recoil handling. However, it suffers a slight damage penalty compared to the normal barrel0/ +250% clip size.
UniqueParts.RepeaterPistol.Material_ChiquitoAmigo_3 -5% -15% - - - Equivalent to Tediore Material_Tediore_3/ 100% reload speed. "-B"
UniqueParts.RepeaterPistol.KnoxsGold_Material 20% - - 4 - Heavily modified Material_SandS_3/ As a unique weapon, Knoxx's Gold imposes no restriction on the parts it spawns with. Also has a high resale value/ +55% clip size/ 35% reload speed/ ".99"

Repeater & MP/Parts Guide:

  • Repeaters fall into two families, differentiated by their bodies: repeating pistols, and machine pistols. The two varieties of repeater have different magazines, but share most other parts, though certain accessories are unique to one or the other. Repeaters lack a stock entirely, but have a part unique to repeaters, the action. Furthermore, different parts will influence different attributes of the weapon.
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