

  • The Patton effect comes from the Patton_grip5 grip. It provides increased damage. The material is Patton_Material. It provides increased tech, which is lost on the non-elemental Patton. Patton contains barrel1, body5, mag2, stock2 and no accessory (acc_none). For more info check out: Wikia Patton Thread
  • The Madjack effect comes from both the MadJack_barrel3 barrel and the MadJack_acc5_Explosive accessory. Furthermore, it always spawns with sight1 and mag1. For more info: Wikia: MadJack Thread
  • All revolvers have a hidden +100% critical damage modifier. The Unforgiven's +100% brings the total critical damage up to +200%.
barrel5_Jakobs_Unforgiven barrel5
Accuracy Maximum: -40% Accuracy Maximum: -40%
Accuracy Minimum: -200% Accuracy Minimum: -150%
Damage: +50% Damage: +15%
Spread: -130% Spread: -130%
Recoil: +50% Recoil: -50%
Accuracy Regen Rate: -70% -
Critical Damage: +100% -
Fire Rate: -26% -
Revolver Pistol Type Extra Effect
gd_weap_revolver_pistol.A_Weapon.WeaponType_revolver_pistol +100% Critical Hit Damage
Format for Revolver Pistol Parts
gd_weap_revolver_pistol.[Part Name]
Part Name Damage Mod Accuracy Mod Fire Rate Mod Tech Level Mod Recoil Reduction Extra Effect/Notes
acc.acc1_Bladed - - - - - gives a 100% melee damage bonus.
acc.acc1_Razor - - - - - gives a 200% melee damage bonus.
acc.acc2_Masher -200% -200% - - - Add 6 projectiles per shot. "Masher"
acc.acc3_Corrosive -40% - - 6 - "Corrosive"
acc.acc3_Maliwan_Defiler_Corrosive 15% - - 14 - "Defiler"/ Very high corrosive damage, will always proc, procs have large splash so nearby targets may take corrosive damage as well.
acc.acc3_Shock -40% - - 6 - "Shock"
acc.acc4_stabilized - - - - 20% "Stabilizer"/ reduces recoil.
acc.acc5_Atlas_Chimera - - - 10 - "Chimera"/Shots that proc have random chance of being explosive, fire, shock or acid. Shots that do not proc cause base explosive damage.
acc.acc5_Explosive -40% - - 6 - "Explosive"
acc.acc5_Incendiary -40% - - 6 - "Incendiary"
acc.acc_none - - - - - -
Barrel.barrel1 -4% - - - - has the lowest damage and low accuracy.
Barrel.barrel2 15% -28% - - -20% has high damage and the lowest accuracy.
Barrel.barrel3 10% 50% - 1 - has average damage, high accuracy and a slight tech boost.
Barrel.barrel4 30% 30% - 1 -35% has the highest damage, average accuracy and a slight tech boost.
Barrel.barrel4_Dahl_Anaconda 60% 80% - 2 -30% mix of barrel4 and barrel5
Barrel.barrel5 15% 130% - - 50% has high damage and the highest accuracy.
Barrel.barrel5_Jakobs_Unforgiven 50% 130% -35% - -50% +200% critical damage.
Body.body1 -8% - - - - "RV"/ slightly reduces damage.
Body.body2 10% - 20% - 30% "DL"/slightly increases damage, slightly reduces fire rate, and adds recoil.
Body.body3 -15% - 30% 3 30% "MAL"/slightly decreases damage, increases fire rate, reduces recoil, and adds alot of tech.
Body.body3_tediore_Equalizer 25% - 30% 4 30% Ammo regen rate 30%. "EQ"/increases damage, increases fire rate, reduces recoil, adds a huge amount of tech, and adds ammo regen
Body.body4 20% - 30% 1 50% "KLR"/ increases damage, reduces fire rate, adds alot of recoil, and adds a little tech.
Body.body5 20% - 50% 1 20% "AX"/[Preferred] increases damage, greatly increases fire rate, reduces recoil, and adds a little tech.
Grip.grip1 - - - - - "Tediore"
Grip.grip2 - - - - - "Dahl"
Grip.grip3 - - - - - "Maliwan"
Grip.grip3_Gearbox - - - - - "Gearbox"
Grip.grip4 - - - - - "Jakobs"
Grip.grip5 - - - - - "Atlas"
mag.mag1 -18% - - - - 30% reload speed./ reduces damage and has a faster reload speed. (6 shot)
mag.mag2 - - - - - offers no stat bonuses. (6 shot)
mag.mag3 - - - 3 - Add -3 rounds. 15% reload speed. "Shotblast" reduces the clip size and increases tech. (3 shot)
mag.mag4 - - 21% - - 100% reload speed. "0"/ increases the fire rate. (6 shot)
mag.mag5 102% - - 2 - Add -4 rounds. 50% reload speed. "X"/has a reduced clip size, greatly increased damage, faster reload speed, and increased tech. (2 shot)
Prefix.Prefix_Acc1_Bladed - - - - - "Bladed"
Prefix.Prefix_Damage1_Bloody 12% - - 1 - "Bloody"
Prefix.Prefix_Firerate1_Swift - - - - 30% "Swift"
Prefix.Prefix_LowAccuracy1_Raw 16% -30% 20% - - "Raw"
Prefix.Prefix_Quality1_Brutal - - - 1 - "Brutal"
Prefix.Prefix_Quality2_Primal - - - 1 - "Primal"
Prefix.Prefix_Quality3_Savage - - - 1 - "Savage"
Sight.sight1 - - - - - 1.6x zoom
Sight.sight2 - - - - - 2.3x zoom
Sight.sight3 - - - - - 2.8x zoom
Sight.sight4 - - - - - 3.7x zoom
Sight.sight5 - - - - - 4.2x zoom
Sight.sight_none - - - - - -
Stock.stock1 - - - - - gives no stat bonuses.
Stock.stock2 - - - - 40% -30% reload speed/ gives the largest recoil reduction and slowest reload speed.
Stock.stock3 - - - - 30% reduced recoil
Stock.stock_none - - - - -40% 30% reload speed/increased recoil and faster reload speed.
Title.TitleM_Atlas1_Chimera - - - - - "Chimera" "A beast of many forms - Fire, Lightning, and Poison"
Title.TitleM_Dahl1_Anaconda - - - - - "Anaconda" "Long and Strong"
Title.TitleM_Jakobs1_Unforgiven - - - - - "Unforgiven" "It's a helluva thing…"
Title.TitleM_Maliwan1_Defiler - - - - - "Defiler" "Give Sick"
Title.TitleM_Tediore1_Equalizer - - - - - "Equalizer" "Unending Firepower"
Title.TitleU_OneEyedJack_Madjack - - - - - "Madjack" "Fools! They called me maaaad!"
Title.TitleU_Retail_Patton - - - - - "Patton" "May God have mercy upon my enemies, because I won't."
Title.Title_Acc1_Razor - - - - - "Razor"
Title.Title_Acc2_Masher - - - - - "Masher"
Title.Title_Accuracy1_Viper - - - - - "Viper"
Title.Title_Damage2_Justice - - - - - "Justice"
Title.Title_Firerate1_Law - - - - - "Law"
Title.Title_Firerate1_Steel - - - - - "Steel"
Title.Title__Revolver - - - - - "Revolver"
UniqueParts.MadJack_acc5_Explosive -40% - - 6 - "Explosive"/ nearly identical to acc5_Explosive, with a slightly elevated chance of mid-sized explosions.
UniqueParts.MadJack_barrel3 60% 50% 200% 1 - based on barrel3, but provides more damage and a higher fire rate.
UniqueParts.MadJack_Material - 11% - 4 - Almost equivalent to Material_Maliwan_2 w/o damage boost/ 11% reload speed. " B"
UniqueParts.Patton_grip5 35% - - - - Increased damage. "Atlas"
UniqueParts.Patton_Material - - - 4 - Increased Tech

Revolver/Parts Guide:

  • Revolver parts are fairly simple, as any combination of parts may spawn together to make a particular revolver. The only unusual feature of revolvers is the stock, which does not change the appearance of the weapon, although it (or its absence) still affects the weapon's performance. Furthermore, different parts will influence different attributes of the weapon.
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