Support Machinegun


  • Ajax's Spear (machinegun)- it does't have any special effects other than increased stats, and high quality parts. Neverless it always spawns with the most accurate barrel, and is Atlas-manufactured, giving it highly increased damage and fire rate. When dropped with the right body ["AR"], Ajax's Spear is one of the best Support Machineguns available on Pandora. One of its only drawbacks is a somewhat smaller magazine than its counterparts, and given its lack of a Havoc title. However, this can be lessened by some of Roland's skills, such as Overload or Assault. Now, what makes Ajax's Spear so interesting is not only its increased stats, but the fact that it has guaranteed high quality parts, making the ratio of "excellent Ajax's Spears"/"all Ajax's Spear" very high. Furthermore, Ajax's Spear also has increased Tech resulting in Elemental damage that can be x3 or x4 (although x4 is very rare). Even with all the positive stats it has going for it, unfortunately it will not rival the other more rare elemental Support Machineguns though; such as, the Serpens, the Draco and the Ogre. Lastly, it can sometimes spawn with the Ogre accessory, making it a simple un-prefixed Ogre; furthermore, the Ajax's Ogre is an extremely rare and a very powerful weapon. More info: Wikia: Ajax's Spear
barrel5_AjaxSpear barrel5
Accuracy Maximum: -40% Accuracy Maximum: -40%
Accuracy Minimum: -150% Accuracy Minimum: -150%
Damage: +25% Damage: +15%
Recoil: -200% Recoil: -50%
Spread: -130% Spread: -130%
Tech Level: +4 -
  • The Meat Grinder-The barrel is always barrel2, the least accurate (and arguably worst) possible barrel for a support machine gun it is characterized by an exceptionally high magazine capacity, and very bad accuracy. It fires at a slightly higher rate than comparable Rifles. The Meat Grinder always spawns with the least accurate barrel, and no scope. Furthermore, it has a large magazine, but nothing that can't be matched by a better Draco, or a Revolution. The title "The Meat Grinder" prevents the appearance of other; otherwise beneficial, titles. The equivalent non-unique Torgue Support Machinegun is superior in virtually all aspects. Overall, this gun is not exceptionally strong, and its bad accuracy prohibits its use in many scenarios. For more info: Wikia: The Meat Grinder
  • Support Machineguns have only 2 possible sights.
  • Support Machineguns also share parts with the Combat Rifles. For invisible parts, CR parts can be used in its place.
Support Machinegun Type Extra Effect
gd_weap_support_machinegun.A_Weapon.WeaponType_support_machinegun ?
Format for Support Machinegun Parts
Part Name Damage Mod Accuracy Mod Fire Rate Mod Tech Level Mod Recoil Reduction Extra Effect/Notes
acc.acc1_Frantic - - 30% - - -60% reload speed, increased fire rate and faster reload speed.
acc.acc1_Shattering 30% - - - - -60% reload speed, increases damage and has the fastest reload speed.
acc.acc4_SandS_Draco_Incendiary - -100% - 10 25% Add 80% clip size. "Draco"/ Extra incendiary damage and extended magazine. [Name glitched, but accessory still spawns on MGs]
acc.acc5_Atlas_Ogre_Explosive 15% - - 10 - "Ogre"/ Extra explosive damage and proc chance.
Barrel.barrel2 15% -28% - - -20% has high damage and the lowest accuracy. [Machineguns only]
Barrel.barrel4_Torgue_Bastard 80% -30% - 2 50% Add 30% clip size. "Bastard"/ Very high damage.
Body.body2 10% - -20% - -30% "HVY"/[Machineguns only] slightly increases damage, slightly decreases fire rate, and adds recoil.
Grip.grip3 - - - - - "S and S Munitions" ["Hyperion" for Combat Rifles]
Grip.grip4 - - - - - "Torgue" ["Dahl" for Combat Rifles]
mag.mag2 - - - - - 15% reload speed, slightly faster reload speeds.
mag.mag4 15% - - - - Adds 12 rounds, 25% reload speed, gives a slight damage boost, increases the clip size and has a slower reload speed.
mag.mag5 18% - - 1 - Adds 24 rounds. 35% reload speed, gives a larger damage boost, has the largest clip and the slowest reload speed.
mag.mag5_VladofRevolution 18% - -50% 1 100% Add 56 rounds. -40% reload speed. -300% burst fire count. Large magazine, faster reload, reduced fire rate and extra recoil reduction
Prefix.Prefix_Acc1_Frantic - - - - - "Frantic"
Prefix.Prefix_AccuracyLow1_Rowdy - -10% - 2 - Add 30% clip size. "Rowdy"
Prefix.Prefix_Damage1_Shattering 20% - - - - "Shattering"
Prefix.Prefix_Kick1_Glorious - - - 1 100% Add 30% clip size. "Glorious"
Prefix.Prefix_Quality0_Light - - - - - "Light"
Prefix.Prefix_Quality1_Support 6% - - 1 - "Support"
Prefix.Prefix_Quality2_Heavy 9% - - 1 - "Heavy"
Prefix.Prefix_Quality3_Max 12% - - 1 - "Max"
Sight.sight1 - 20% - - - 2.1x zoom
Sight.sight2 - 15% - - - 1.4x zoom
Sight.sight_none - - - - - -
Stock.stock2 - - - - 40% -30% reload speed, reduced recoil and slows reload speed. [Machineguns only]
Stock.stock_none - - - - -40% 30% reload speed, increased recoil and faster reload speed/ [Combat Rifles can spawn without a stock but Machineguns cannot]
Title.TitleM_Atlas_Ogre - - - - - "Ogre" "Ogre SMASH!"
Title.TitleM_SandS_Draco - - - - - "Draco" "Dragon Fire!" Name is glitched, and will be DELETED if used
Title.TitleM_Torgue_Bastard - - - - - "Bastard" "TORGUE! Bastard Guns for Bastard People!"
Title.TitleM_Vladof_Revolution - - - - - "Revolution" "Guns of the Revolution will never fall silent!"
Title.TitleU_JaynisKobb_TheMeatGrinder - - - - - "The Meat Grinder" "War is in your blood"
Title.TitleU_SupportMG_AjaxsSpear - - - - - "Ajax's Spear" "Useful for kicking Hector's bitch ass."
Title.TitleU_SupportMG_TheChopper - - - - - "The Chopper" "RAR! BRAR BRAR!"
Title.Title_Accuracy1_Massacre - - - - 40% "Massacre"
Title.Title_Damage1_Mauler 15% - - - - "Mauler"
Title.Title_Firerate1_Havoc - - - - - Adds 20% clip size. "Havoc"
Title.Title__MachineGun - - - - - "Machine Gun"
UniqueParts.SupportMachineGun.barrel5_AjaxSpear 25% 130% - 4 -200% Slightly better than barrel5, but barrel5 is already an excellent part [see Combat Rifles page]
UniqueParts.SupportMachineGun.AjaxSpear_Material 20% - -0.05 sec/shot 2 -11% Equivalent to Material_Atlas_3/ +15% clip size
UniqueParts.SupportMachineGun.acc4_TheChopper - -200% 100% - -100% Unloads the entire magazine with one trigger pull unless interrupted. Fires 4-round spreads with an ammo cost of 6/ +500 rounds. [x3] projectiles per shot. 200,000% burst fire count. "The Chopper"
UniqueParts.SupportMachineGun.Material_TheChopper_3 10% -32% 56% - 40% Equivalent to Material_Vladof_3 "/V3"
UniqueParts.TheMeatGrinder_Material 24% -35% -16% - 54% Equivalent to Material_Torgue_3
UniqueParts.TheMeatGringer_mag5 20% -300% 20% 1 - Ultimately a modified mag5 [which graphically looks like a mag4]/ +62 rounds/ +60% reload speed [slower].
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